My earliest somewhat vaguest memory is of an Afro-Caribbean gentleman who stopped me from wandering further afield when we visited my father's parents in Bermuda. I've no idea why I wandered off, nor did my parents. I just did it and this gentleman stopped me and kept me there until my parents came to get me. I think I was around 2.
After that, there are other vague memories like a stage production of Batman & Robin, of which there are photos from the event. But my most solid memories come from when I was 5. It was May 1980 and my Uncle took myself & my cousin Dave to see The Empire Strikes Back. I slept over that night, we went to McDonald's in Sanford, Maine and then up the street to the Jerry Lewis Cinema. McDonald's was doing a drinking glass promotion of the film and I got one of them.
As stated in other entries, I plan on doing the Mt. Washington Hillclimb. I'd wanted to do it the year I turned 40, but it did not happen. Once I got the r3, I was one step closer and had planned on doing it within 2 years of that acquisition. That plan meant that next summer I'd tackle the event.
I'm postponing my participation for at least 3 years. Why? See the photo below...
The back of this photo has a stamp from wherever my parents had the film processed, it reads November 1975, which puts me (the adorable bundle of joy in the carrier) at approximately 7-9 months old given the clothing being worn. That's my Dad rockin' his 70s 'stache and my sister who'd not yet be 5 years old. It's also the summit of Mt Washington, hence why it's summer and they are wearing jackets, thus putting it between July - September 1975.
I do not recall this trip, nor would I given my age.
My youngest is 2.5 and I want her to be able to remember seeing her dad ride a bike up Mt. Washington. Thus, pushing out to 45 adds another 3 years for all my kids to get a bit older and thus be able to recall seeing me do this.
There's also another more practical reason too. Aside from upgrading my bike to get it as light as possible. I also need to get as light as possible to maintain the perfect balance of power to weight. Traditionally I have been quite good at keeping my weight down from January through the Trek Across Maine in June and then it usually creeps back up and so I start the cycle all over again in January. This year I plan to keep the downward trend of my weight going.
The new plan is thus, shoot for 2020 when I'll be 45. Upgrade the gruppo and wheels over the next two years. Finally, start doing more hillclimb races to get whatever practice I can get all so I can suffer over 7 miles and thousands of elevation and steep grades to show my kids that nothing cannot be overcome so long as you have a bit of grit & determination.
But most importantly I want my kids to remember seeing their dad ride Mt. Washington.
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