What I will cop to is that I put a bit too much life into living between Christmas & New Year's. As a lot of you who will read this are aware, our "guru" Vinnie Tortorich says it isn't what you eat between Christmas & New Year's that matters, but what we eat between New Year's & Christmas. Did I go whole hog off the NSNG path knowing what lay ahead of me. Probably. It also does not help that the cafeteria in my workplace bakes fresh cookies each day.
As stated in other blogs, I am going to tackle Mt. Washington this year. I am a reformed weight weenie, which means that I no longer believe it is my bike that needs to be light as possible to have performance games. Paleo and the first 6 months of 2012 showed me the path to brilliant otherworldly form and that is my weight.
Don't believe for a second that my bike won't be as light as possible. But what I mean as a reformed weight weenie is that I won't shell out an extra $200 on a carbon fiber stem that weighs a few grams less than the top of the line aluminum stem. In the big picture those few grams will matter much less than the pounds I take off my body.
And so with that in mind and having seen my GP in mid December for an issue unrelated to the malady that befell me during vacation I knew exactly where I was starting from and what damage I had done during the week spanning Christmas & New Year's. Throw in one last hurrah on my birthday and then on the last night of vacation and that's where I stand now. Back on NSNG and proving Vinnie's adage that exercise is a terrible way to loose weight.
That's right for those new to NSNG or this blog, you read correctly. Exercise is a terrible way to loose weight. Think about that for a second and you will realize just how true that statement is. How many runners & cyclists do you know who are on the heavy side? How many folks do you know that hit the gym all the time and aren't on the cover of Men's or Women's Health?
I hardly rode my bike in December. The stars just did not align and after clocking in a lot of miles last year I basically just put the bike aside. By the conclusion of my vacation I lost 13 lbs. How did I do it? Diet, by focusing solely on diet I was able to eat the right foods, eggs, cheese, meat, veg, & nuts. Realign the grelin & leptin receptors aka hormones in my body to the original factory settings and thus eat nutrient dense foods less often because I wasn't hungry all the time. In fact, just because I could and wasn't hungry I threw in some intermittent fasts on a few of my vacation days.
I hardly rode my bike in December. The stars just did not align and after clocking in a lot of miles last year I basically just put the bike aside. By the conclusion of my vacation I lost 13 lbs. How did I do it? Diet, by focusing solely on diet I was able to eat the right foods, eggs, cheese, meat, veg, & nuts. Realign the grelin & leptin receptors aka hormones in my body to the original factory settings and thus eat nutrient dense foods less often because I wasn't hungry all the time. In fact, just because I could and wasn't hungry I threw in some intermittent fasts on a few of my vacation days.
The result of this was that after a week and half off, and riding less than 50 miles I dropped 13 lbs. Had I not kicked my heels up 2 more times, once on my birthday and once on the last night of vacation, that number would be higher and closer to 15 or 20 lbs. Now I get that 13 lbs sounds like a lot but you have to realize a lot of that was water weight from being inflammed from bad food.
I'd have preferred to get some zone 2 miles in during vacation, but it wasn't meant to be. Instead I reinforced what Vinnie always says about exercise and weight loss. You can't out run a bad diet - literally. And rather than sink into remorse about what could've been, instead I looked to what will be. Me on Mt. Washington in August.
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